Located in rural St Saviour, the Property is accessed off Rue du Pont, and comprises a scaffolding yard together with a single storey building which has consent for car storage / office use at ground floor level and a gymnasium on the first floor.
The property is Grade 3 listed and is available to let as a single lot on fully repairing and insuring lease terms at a quoting rent of £40,000 per annum plus rates and utilities.
The property has been measured as follows:
• Office / car storage 2,000 sq ft
• 1st floor gym 350 sq ft
• Scaffold yard 2,080 sq ft
Rental will be subject to rent review every third year in line with the Jersey Retail Prices Index.
Each party to be responsible for their own legal and professional costs involved in the transaction.
Advertised To Let as required by the Planning Department in accordance with Supplementary Planning Guidance - Protection of Employment Land