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Bank staff in Broad Street spin for charity

Bank staff in Broad Street spin for charity

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Bank staff in Broad Street spin for charity

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Staff at Deutsche Bank will be in a spin on Friday when they raise funds for charity in Broad Street at the instigation of their summer Interns.

Each year Deutsche Bank recruits local undergraduates to participate in a ten-week internship. As well as being assigned to various areas of the business and working on a mix of projects and day to day activities within their allocated business divisions, the interns are given a collective task to raise funds for a local charity.

This year they are collecting for Headway Jersey, the charity that provides essential support, information and services to people in Jersey who are affected by brain injury.

One of the interns’ fund raising initiatives is a sponsored bike-a-thon which takes place by the Fountain in Broad Street Market Square on Friday, 14th August and they have persuaded a number of colleagues to take part.  They are also delighted that Headway member and supporter, Cameron Arnell, has also agreed to cycle for an hour between 12.30 and 1.30 pm.  Mr Arnell is no stranger to sporting challenges as earlier this year he set himself the target to cycle the equivalent of twice around the island, and has participated in Guernsey’s Granite Man and Jersey Triathlon to raise funds and awareness of Headway.

The 2015 Deutsche Bank intake are hoping to exceed the £3,135 raised by the interns in 2014 and have already organised a weekly tuck shop, a cake sale, and Wimbledon week strawberries;  with a quiz night and a raffle also on the cards they are hoping to exceed that target.

All the funds they raise will be matched by Deutsche Bank under the ‘Matched Giving Scheme’ so that the total will be doubled.

Helen Shoreson, Head of HR for Deutsche Bank in the Channel Islands, said: "Interns in both Guernsey and Jersey are busy raising funds for good causes this summer as they have done in previous years as part of their ten-week placement.

"The bank is committed to active engagement in the local community and one of the ways we support that objective is to involve our interns each summer. Furthermore, effective team work is essential if the interns are to deliver the charity project successfully and developing that skill sits well alongside what they learn from their general day to day office tasks."

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