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Schools ‘en garde’ thanks to Moore Stephens sponsorship

Schools ‘en garde’ thanks to Moore Stephens sponsorship

Tuesday 03 December 2013

Schools ‘en garde’ thanks to Moore Stephens sponsorship

MEDIA RELEASE: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and not Bailiwick Express, and the text is reproduced exactly as supplied to us

Moore Stephens Jersey has provided Jersey Fencing with additional high quality fencing kit in order to increase the uptake of the sport in Jersey’s Primary schools.

Moore Stephens Jersey has provided Jersey Fencing with additional high quality fencing kit in order to increase the uptake of the sport in Jersey’s Primary schools.

The firm first provided a set of kit to Jersey Fencing in 2012 where demand for the sport was increasing but the association didn’t have the funds to provide sufficient equipment themselves.

Since receiving the new equipment, the first to take up the opportunity to fence have been St.John’s and St.Saviour’s primary schools, with an agreement that fencing for year four, five and six pupils will continue throughout this academic year.

The midi-fence kits donated to the association consist of specially designed plastic swords, protective masks and vests and allow young children to experience fencing without putting themselves at risk of injury. 

Clive Barton, senior partner at Moore Stephens Jersey, said: “We are very pleased that we have had the opportunity to contribute to the schools’ development of sport and we hope that fencing will give children something they haven’t previously experienced.

“We understand that both academic and sporting opportunities are important and we think it is essential to support activities that take place outside the classroom.” 

Alastair Christie, president of Jersey Fencing, said: “We are particularly grateful to Moore Stephens for their kind donation. In fencing, it is essential to introduce the basics and build good habits at a young age and it’s exciting to see 60 young pupils experience the sport for the first time. Having the midi-fence equipment allows us to do this safely. The intention is that this equipment will be used by many more primary school pupils in the years to come.”

Fencing will be taught by professional fencing coach, Gianpaolo Marini, who currently coaches at Regent Fencing Club along with other schools across the island. He also coaches a termly, Education, Sport and Culture backed course for novice adults aged eight to fifteen years. 

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