Jeremy Kerley, a lawyer in Viberts Family Law practice, has recently qualified as a Solicitor of England and Wales by successfully completing a two-year training contract available through the firm because of their accreditation by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority. Viberts is one of only a few Channel Islands law firms with such accreditation and therefore able to offer such training contracts and Jeremy, a Jersey-man married with one son, says it has been a great opportunity.
‘It is relatively unique for a Jersey law firm to offer the opportunity to study the LPC and go right through to qualifying as a Solicitor of England and Wales. It is a route I recommend for anyone wanting to progress their career in law’. Adding, that to do so they will have to find a forward-thinking and supportive law firm such as Viberts who are able, through their accreditation, to offer such training.
The course itself has not been easy and has involved Jeremy spending time in different practice areas of Viberts, undertaking regular assessments and attending training courses.
Jeremy specialises in Family Law and has been supported throughout his course by Rose Colley, Head of the Family Law Practice. ‘Viberts is committed to providing top tier legal services and ensuring we offer the best training opportunities to our lawyers is a key part of this. Jeremy worked extremely hard to qualify and not only is it great for his career progression it is great for Viberts and the additional expertise we can offer to our clients’.