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June 2019

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This month’s Connect is targeted for the sweet spot, right in the heart of your work- life balance; we have sustenance for both the brain and the soul...and with teasers for the tastebuds thrown in.

To take those in order of importance, let’s start with the stomach. Those of you who can’t resist a good chef show will have seen that several of Jersey’s finest cooks have been preparing fresh publicity for the island on national TV - and that sort of promotion is an important part of how the island is now presenting itself in the highly competitive battle for potential tourists. The knife and fork seems to be replacing the bucket and spade as the everyday icon of Jersey’s prospective guests. On page 5, we take a look at how the island’s taste tsars are talking tourism turkey.

And so to the soul. Unplugged this month (page 18) focusses on mental health, with a lady who is at the forefront of helping islanders for whom the concept of workplace stress has gone quite a bit further than just a temporary irritation. Patricia Winchester (Chief Executive of mental health charity, My Voice) talks about tokenism, and how some firms might be tempted to ’tick the box’ of saying they support their staff; but actually, they would rather just write a cheque, and someone who admits to suffering from mental health issues at work is suddenly not at their desk the next morning. Her fear is that while mental health is a topic which many people are now much more comfortable about publicly addressing, the reality of how some businesses respond has perhaps not changed as much as we are led to believe.

Of course, the truth of it is that all of Connect is food for the brain - after all, isn’t that what reading is all about? In fact, your mental five-a-day should be made up of reading at least five articles/chapters/poems/scenes by your favourite authors as a way of positively affecting the quality of the day. Try it for a week, I dare you.

If you are looking for ideas, then why not start with the digital section in this month’s Connect, which begins on page 49. We call it a ‘digital’ section, but if any business isn’t ‘digital’ these days, then they won’t be around much longer; so actually, this section is all about the important themes which affect all businesses, and for that reason alone, it is worth your time.

So there is Connect this month, a feast for the mind, body and soul. Enjoy your meal.

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