If you are interested in this job, please contact...
Telephone: 01534 611161
Full Description
The Jersey Consumer Council seeks an exceptional and experienced
candidate for the position of Chairperson. As a high-profile consumer
champion, the Chairperson will have:
- Expertise in relevant and current consumer issues
Political awareness on consumer issues
Excellent communication and social skills to engage with stakeholders,
government and the media, as well as the community
Time to commit around 12 hours a month
A strong consumer voice to empower individuals
The day-to-day Council activities are managed by the Executive Officer with
the Chairperson undertaking a strategic and active role.
For more information, on a confidential basis, please contact the Executive
Officer (see below).
To apply please email or send your curriculum vitae and
supporting letter marked Private and Confidential, by 5th January 2018 to:
Executive Officer
Jersey Consumer Council
9-13 Central Market
St. Helier JE2 4WL
For more information please visit
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