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Push for locals yields 10 Jersey applicants for Interim Gov CEO role

Push for locals yields 10 Jersey applicants for Interim Gov CEO role

Wednesday 07 June 2023

Push for locals yields 10 Jersey applicants for Interim Gov CEO role

Wednesday 07 June 2023

Nearly 30 candidates in total have applied for the role of Interim Government CEO – 10 of which are Jersey residents.

Meanwhile, two of the 27 applicants work internationally, but have connections to the island, the Government confirmed this afternoon.

The remaining candidates are applicants from across the globe, including Canada and Australia.

The search for Interim CEO follows the resignation of the current Government CEO Suzanne Wiley in March after little more than a year in post. 

The recruitment process opened in mid-May, with applications closing on 1 June. The Government previously said interviews with finalists would take place on Monday 12 June, with the aim of having the successful candidate in place for handover by July.

Two recruitment firms were used in the process, with Thomas and Dessain handling candidates with a connection to Jersey, and UK firm Gatenby Sanderson handling those based in the UK or further afield.

The Chief Minister Deputy Kristina Moore previously stated that she would be pushing for local candidates to take on the £250,000 role.


Pictured: The Chief Minister said that she was "encouraged" by the number of Jersey applicants.

The next stage in the recruitment process will involve a technical assessment, a psychological assessment, and a final panel interview for five remaining candidates.

The Government said that the final selection is expected to be confirmed within the coming weeks, once contractual details are confirmed.

The Chief Minister, Deputy Kristina MooresaidI am really encouraged by the interest in this role, which demonstrates Jersey’s global presence and the attractiveness of working in our Government.

"I am particularly encouraged by the applications that have been submitted from islanders – they have demonstrated both their passion for our community and the talent we have here in Jersey.


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