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Big blessing in People's Park

Big blessing in People's Park

Thursday 12 May 2016

Big blessing in People's Park

Thursday 12 May 2016

A big outdoor Christian celebration is being staged in People's Park this week.

Ark on the Park promises to be the first event of its kind in the Island - a three-day celebration for people of every age, persuasion and belief.

The event starts tomorrow and is being organised by charitable company The Vessel Limited with sessions starting at 11:30 am and 6:00 pm. 

Ian Curwood from The Vessel Limited has held similar events in the past in Africa. He said: “We’ve invited people from Guernsey, from Wales and other places. We just felt that now is a good time. 70 years ago, about 10,000 people stood in People’s Park to celebrate liberation from the German occupation.

“We’re going to be preaching the gospel of liberation. I think the timing of it is just right, this is the intention, it’s right to preach the gospel to all nations with whatever means.”

“This is not a religious event. This is about a faith relationship with a risen saviour, Jesus Christ who is the only one who promises us eternal as we believe in Him and His resurrection.

Mr Curwood said it's a chance to hear how Jesus has changed people's lives.

He said: "We’ve run these events in other countries, we’ve seen people getting healed and their lives changed. In the last few months we’ve seen two people come out of comas, the hospital then discharged and sent home, one of these people was not expected to live and they are now healed. Seeing such things is not unusual as a Christian.

“The Gospel will be preached on the Park, people can receive prayer, and they can talk to people from different churches about exploring the Christian life, this life is exciting, one lady who just gave her video testimony on our Ark on the Park Facebook page said accepting Jesus as your saviour is like being released from prison, The event is completely free, we want to bring a blessing to the Island, it doesn’t matter what your faith is or your beliefs are, everybody is welcome."

The event runs from today until Saturday 14 May.

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