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Comment: Parker - "judge him on his performance not his quallies"

Comment: Parker -

Monday 13 August 2018

Comment: Parker - "judge him on his performance not his quallies"

Monday 13 August 2018

Regular Express readers will know that we have asked for the new States' CEO Charlie Parker's contract to be published, under the FoI law.

The request was made in April - so far, that contract has remained locked away; but the fact that it contains a gift of full housing qualifications has caused controversy.

Today, Express columnist Andy Jehan argues that 'quallies' are a small price to pay if the planned public sector reforms are truly made...

"I have read and heard quite a lot of negativity about the States new CEO Charlie Parker and his contract, most of which I think is unfair. I have previously written on two occasions about the new CEO and feel compelled to write again.

I start by saying that I do agree that it is a bit of a surprise that he has been handed his housing qualifications at the start of his employment. I would have expected that this would have been subject to reaching agreed targets, be that in improved efficiency and or customer service after a set period of time. What is good for the island is that Mr Parker intends to stay and play a full part within our community. Too often we have seen people arrive in the Island, only to leave when the going gets tough. Here we have someone who is committed to the island's prosperity for the long term.

parker cyril.jpg

Pictured: So far the States have kept Charlie Parker's contract locked away.

I like to look at it positively; it appears that we now have a leader who is a very good negotiator. I would prefer to think that, rather than think we had politicians who just gave in at the first hurdle, or signed something off, knowing they wouldn’t be there in the future.

Mr Parker has repeatedly said that he is going to have his performance measured and is happy for this. Any doubters should read the report that has been published on his first six months in office. Clearly, a lot of work has already been completed and more has been identified as requiring to be done, but a good start by anyone’s standards. 

I would urge any doubters to give Mr Parker a chance to deliver. I think it is inevitable that we will have to pay more tax in the future with the ageing population. What is important is that before any additional tax is collected from the public, is that we ensure we have an efficient public service.

We have, in my opinion recruited well, as I have written in the past, we now have to give Mr Parker the tools to do the job, which should include islanders support of what he is trying to achieve. How many of us have moaned for so long about inefficiencies? Now we have someone who has the experience (judging by his track record) and the drive and ambition to right a number of wrongs.

Charlie Parker

Pictured: States CEO Charlie Parker launching his plans for a reformed public sector. 

He shouldn’t be criticised for his contract, any criticism if necessary should be aimed at the people who agreed the contract. I found it quite amusing, but encouraging, for Mr Parker to now be defended by members of the new government, the very same people who questioned changing the legislation to give him the tools to do the work. 

If people would still like to be critical perhaps they would look at the previous CEO’s track record and what wasn’t done in the last five years, including putting a robust succession plan in place.

Giving one housing license is a very small price to pay in my opinion, to get some momentum behind the change that is needed for Jersey. We need a leader who is going to ensure that the right services are provided and at the right price, I would urge islanders to support the work of Mr Parker and let him be judged on his performance, not on his housing qualifications."

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