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Contraception survey launched as local options fall further behind UK

Contraception survey launched as local options fall further behind UK

Friday 23 February 2024

Contraception survey launched as local options fall further behind UK

Friday 23 February 2024

Islanders are being asked for their views to inform potential changes to contraception services provided in Jersey – as the island falls further behind the UK in terms of accessibility.

Launched this week by the Government, the contraceptive services survey aims to understand ​if islanders are using their contraception of choice and where they want to be able to get contraception.

The findings of the consultation will be published in a report and used to inform potential changes to contraception services provided in Jersey.

It comes as the NHS announced a major expansion of primary care services which allowed people to access contraception from pharmacies without having to see a GP.

As of the end of last year, people in England can obtain a first or repeat prescription of the pill by visiting their local pharmacy.

The move was introduced to give people greater choice over where to get the contraceptive pill and to free up appointments in GP surgeries.

Pharmacists in England are now also able perform the ongoing checks on blood pressure and weight that are required for certain pills.


Pictured: The current prices of different types of contraception at Les Bas Centre.

However, in Jersey, islanders are required to visit their GP or a specialist contraception clinic to obtain contraception.

At Le Bas Centre, these services are free of charge to those aged 22 or under. However, for anyone older, prices for certain forms of contraception can be over £100.

Meanwhile, contraception has been free in the UK since 1974 – when a reorganisation of the NHS meant all contraceptive advice and supplies became accessible to all, regardless of marital status.


Jersey's contraceptive services survey is set to run for three months, closing on 21 May 2024.

You can find out more or complete the survey HERE

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