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"The infection rate in unvaccinated over-50s is at least 10 times more"

Wednesday 25 August 2021

"The infection rate in unvaccinated over-50s is at least 10 times more"

Wednesday 25 August 2021

The infection rate in unvaccinated people over the age of 50 in Jersey is at least 10 times more than in vaccinated people, the Deputy Medical Officer of Health has said.

New figures released by Government this morning also showed that 20 out of 34 people admitted to hospital to be treated specifically for covid during the third wave were not vaccinated against the virus.

Meanwhile, 14 of those marked as 'clinically covid' between 28 June and 4 August were fully vaccinated.

The Government said the approximate age range of the cases was around 50 to 92 years old.

Overall, there were 51 people in hospital with the illness during the third wave up to 4 August, but the remaining 17 who had tested positive were receiving other non-covid treatment.

The data was released after questions from Express about why weekly reports about hospital cases promised last month had not been published.


Pictured: Dr Muscat said that the covid "hospital rate for vaccinated people above the age of 50 was around 14 / 39,206 (0.036%) and the covid hospital admission rate for people who were not fully vaccinated was around 20 / 2,064 (0.96%)."

Providing the figures this morning, the Government said data for ICU admissions was still being obtained.

Proportionally, Deputy Medical Officer of Health Dr Ivan Muscat MBE explained that there was a higher rate of hospitalisation among unvaccinated islanders. 

He explained: "Based on the population data available, there are approximately 41,000 islanders over the age of 50.

"From 28 June 2021 – 4 August 2021, around 95% of over 50s were double vaccinated. On this basis, the covid hospital rate for vaccinated people above the age of 50 was around 14 / 39,206 (0.036%) and the COVID hospital admission rate for people who were not fully vaccinated was around 20 / 2,064 (0.96%).

"Within this age group, the infection rate in unvaccinated people is at least 10 times more than in vaccinated people."

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