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Fundraiser launched by friends impacted by "devastating" disease

Fundraiser launched by friends impacted by

Sunday 26 May 2024

Fundraiser launched by friends impacted by "devastating" disease

Sunday 26 May 2024

A group of friends have launched a fundraising event in aid of two motor neurone disease charities after realising that many of them had family members affected by the life-limiting condition.

Islanders are invited to the Royal Yacht on Saturday 15 June for an evening of food and entertainment in aid of the MND Association Jersey.

A small percentage of the funds raised to be donated to MND UK to help fund vital research for a cure.

MND is an degenerative condition that affects the brain, and progressively damages the nervous system.

The idea for the fundraising event came about when a group of former colleagues planned to organise a reunion, and realised that many of them had been impacted by MND in some way. 


Pictured: The event will raise money for MND research in the UK, as well as for local people impacted by the disease.

One of the organisers, Rose Ventre said: "My family have been impacted by this awful illness; it’s devastating.

"I feel we need to give this illness more attention, research is key and so important.

"People are often unaware of what MND is, what are the symptoms, how it is diagnosed and how it progresses.

"Little did I know when seeing the Ice Bucket Challenge a few years ago that this illness would have such a significant impact on my family and my work family."

The MND fundraiser is set to take place at the Royal Yacht on Saturday 15 June from 19:00. Welcome drinks will be served from 18:30.

Tickets for the event are £75 which buys a two-course meal, entertainment and disco bingo at the Royal Yacht.

They are available to purchase until 31 May HERE or by contacting

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