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Prison for Guernsey offender who put masturbation videos online

Prison for Guernsey offender who put masturbation videos online

Friday 12 April 2024

Prison for Guernsey offender who put masturbation videos online

Friday 12 April 2024

A Guernsey offender who posted videos of himself masturbating in public spaces online, and accessed pornography on OnlyFans while under a probation order, has been sent to prison.

Dane Luke Robilliard Gauvain was also required by Guernsey's Royal Court to sign up to a five-year sexual offences prevention order and saw his existing seven-year notification order continued.

Gauvain had originally been sentenced to a three-year probation order for three counts of inciting a child to commit grossly indecent acts and four counts of sending indecent messages on 11 May 2022.  

His phone was later examined as part of post-conviction monitoring and found to contain four videos, which had been published online, of him masturbating publicly.

Gauvain had also breached other elements of the probation order by accessing porn on websites such as OnlyFans without the prior permission of his supervising officer.  

Judge Russell Finch said Gauvain had been warned at his original sentencing that “if you do anything at all wrong, it is straight back here, and these excuses that we have heard, won’t be used again".

Gauvain had been warned that if he failed to comply with his probation conditions, then he would be "punished severely". 

Action would be taken, especially considering the seriousness of the original offences which led to the probation order, added Judge Finch.

He explained: “What this Court is now presented with is unpleasant and concerning facts to which an appropriate response is needed, particularly in the public interest and to protect young people. You have had a chance, which we stated was not for us an easy option, and you failed to take it. 

“We now find there is no alternative to an immediate custodial sentence for the original offences. You have had a very fair chance and not taken it. We note, we repeat, your age when offending, when considering the sentence.” 

Judge Finch activated sentences of 16 months for the charges of inciting grossly indecent acts, to run from 26 October 2023 when Gauvain was taken into custody. 

Concurrent six months sentences were applied for the remaining offences, and the SOPO was applied as his probation report found that he presented a risk towards “male children, mostly instigated on social media, but with concern this could extend to contact offending as well as offences of an exhibitionist (risk taking) quality such as the current offences”. 

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