HCS has launched its new vision for health in Jersey, and produced a user-friendly guide that all islanders can understand.
It hopes that by explaining things clearly in simple language, everyone will appreciate what happens when they go to the hospital, usually because they don’t feel well and want to get better.
Explaining the basics of the guide and why it is relevant to islanders, a spokesperson for HCS said: “Put simply, we will forge new pathways by forming a clinical task force with the intention of developing a framework which will deliver a transformation in strategic governance and ownership.
“We will implement short-term, high-impact secondary prevention measures to reduce demands on services.
“This will include driving forward a vision that leverages community assets by taking ownership of patient-centred systems, self-care deliverables and high-impact messaging.
“It will provide strategic endorsement of frontline services and uplift the digitalisation of telecare discharge support models.
“An integrated workforce strategy will help create frailty friendly hubs downstream of ambulatory care pathways, allowing HCS to cherry-pick the best commissioned packages of care, and take ownership of value-added, cross-working activities.
“We will achieve an outcome-driven, person-centred framework by onboarding professionals with the key skill-sets to provide the infrastructure and support to deliver our integrated, bespoke and streamlined health and care system.”
She added: “Of course, we face self-facing affordability challenges downstream and the inward-care review partnership team is currently analysing patient treatment and outcome data, in order to optimise staff capacity and point-of-care costs.
“Our new acute and non-acute health facilities will deliver multidisciplinary clinical adjacencies by streamlining best practice and offering parallel-site efficiencies by putting practitioners in the driving seat.
“Developing standardised joint-care pathways with co-workers and key stakeholders means that we can structure, plan, co-ordinate and deploy the multi-functional teams of health and care experts we need, to the areas in which they are needed, resulting in better patient outcomes.
“Sticking with the status quo is not an option. Neither is using language that people can actually understand.
“The newly formed Care Review Adult Partnership will meet regularly with the Board Of Local Leveraged Outpatient Customer Kickstart Services to achieve Forward Outcome Goals.
“In other words, when CRAP meets BOLLOCKS, the only outcome is FOG.”