I was shocked to read our Chief Minister’s response to Deputy Kirsten Morel’s written question “How many government contracts have been awarded to EY (Ernst & Young) since 1st January 2018.”
£9.69 million worth of contracts to be precise! (Not including cost of providing Interim Head Technology M&D, said to be confidential!)
Let’s say another £300,000 for that seven month contract bringing the total to an eye watering £9.99 million! Involving 12 contracts for periods of between three months and 27 months.
One that caught my eye is the M&D Transformation Partner COO, £3.6 million 27 month contract. Included is the provision of the Interim Head, to oversee the team of consultants & States employees working on the Target Operating Model (TOM) – the blueprint for mapping the OneGov hierarchy and the most efficient way to run the civil service.
The TOM project has continually fallen behind schedule – due to be implemented Spring 2019 - then year-end 2019 – then July 2020 - now would you believe the TOM is being reassessed – sounds like too many consultants 'spoil the broth!'
Using my proprietary Advanced Algorithms, Linear and Integer Programme more commonly known as the 'Back of the cigarette packet analysis,' I now estimate the total cost of consultants engaged by CEO Charlie Parker, in the past 30 months, to be close to £50 million, made up as follows.
Total estimated costs: £51.5 million.
And this does not include ancillary costs like the move to Broad Street offices involving £4 million fit out costs and an additional annual rent of £1 million per annum
I think Charlie Parker has misread his contract – he probably thinks his mandate is to SPEND £100 million not SAVE £100 million!
Ron Mitchell,
St Saviour.