Situated on Green Street in close proximity to Harve des Pas, this property forms part of a small retail development l and benefits from passing pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
The Property which measures c. 370 sq ft is currently fitted out as a laundrette, but would suit a variety of retail uses.
The unit has been measured in accordance with RICS Code of Measuring Practice:
Retail 293 sq ft NIA
Ancillary 53 sq ft
WC: 25 sq ft
The property is being offered, subject to contract, by way of a new nine year internal repairing and insuring style lease at a commencing rental of £18,000 per annum, exclusive of rates, service/management charge and GST. The lease will be subject to triennial upward only reviews.
Legal Costs
Each party will bear their own legal costs associated with the transaction whether or not it completes.
Subject to the obtaining of references, guarantees and any official permission as may be required in the usual fashion.
Small retail unit (currently fitted out as a laundrette)