The premises are situated a short level walk from St Helier town centre on the southern section of Oxford Road opposite Milliennium Park. The Co-op Grande Marche and a large number of local businesses and residential properties abound within the immediate vicinity. The town ring road is also readily accessible.
The premises are currently as offices with storage space, reception area, and WC. The property is connected to all mains services except gas.
The property, which has been measured in accordance with RICS guidelines, provides the following approximate Net Internal Area: 525 sq ft
To Let
The premises are available (subject to contract) on an internally repairing and insuring lease basis, at a commencing rental of £17,500 per annum. The rent will be reviewed on a triennial basis in relation to any increase in JRPI.
For Sale
The premises are offered for sale by way of flying freehold (subject to contract) at "Offers in excess of £250,000".
Legal Costs
Each party will be responsible for their own legal and professional costs associated with the transaction whether or not the transaction completes.
Office / storage with 2x parking spaces
Ideal starter office
For sale or To Let