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Trust and respect are the heart of workplace success

Trust and respect are the heart of workplace success

Friday 15 November 2013

Trust and respect are the heart of workplace success

MEDIA RELEASE: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and not Bailiwick Express, and the text is reproduced exactly as supplied to us

Jersey RFC Director of Rugby and Head Coach, Ben Harvey, featured as guest speaker at the second in a series of breakfast briefing events organised by Moore Stephens and Close Finance and presented an overview of the importance of trust and teamwork for building successful teams.

Jersey RFC Director of Rugby and Head Coach, Ben Harvey, featured as guest speaker at the second in a series of breakfast briefing events organised by Moore Stephens and Close Finance and presented an overview of the importance of trust and teamwork for building successful teams.  

Mr Harvey, who currently coaches the Greene King IPA Championship side, played for the England Sevens team before taking up coaching in 2004. He has led the Islanders through four promotions and is now attempting to stabilise the Club in tier two before developing for the future.

He said: “Two way trust and respect in your team is vital in any environment and is at the heart of success. I have trust in my players and they have trust in me and I would never ask a player to do something that I wouldn’t be prepared to do myself.

“It’s down to the players when we win and down to me when we lose. If you’re a leader, you have to embrace this concept and take responsibility. However, there are many different styles of leadership, but the key to being a true leader is to know when to lead and know when to let others take things on.”

86 guests attended the event from a variety of industries including the recruitment, finance and hospitality sectors and £371.50 was raised for Family Nursing and Home Care, Jersey. 

Jo Gavey, Associate in the Accounting and Business Services department at Moore Stephens Jersey, said: “Ben’s presentation was inspiring and thought provoking. Learning how someone from outside the business community approached teamwork and leadership was very interesting and I think there were plenty of lessons that we can learn from the world of sports’ coaching to take back to the workplace. 

“We are also pleased to have raised some funds for Family Nursing and Home Care with this event. It is such a worthwhile charity that makes a positive difference to the lives of islanders and their families and we are glad to have had the opportunity to support them and the great work that they do.” 

Philip Le Grand, Close Finance Business Development Manager, said: “Networking events like these are very important for the islands’ business community as they provide a place where professionals can share expertise and knowledge. 

“The event was a great opportunity for islanders to support a worthy local charity and we are immensely grateful to all those who attended and gave donations.”

Family Nursing and Home Care provides an island-wide range of high quality community nursing and home care services that are accessible and appropriate to the needs of the community from birth to end of life. The charity has formed a partnership with the Health and Social Services Department with the aim to establish a Childrens’ Centre in the Samares area of the island.

Those who attended the event are invited to join the discussion group on LinkedIn for more networking opportunities, to provide feedback and to discuss the presentation with other members of the business community:

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