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Jersey exploring facial recognition at airport

Jersey exploring facial recognition at airport

Tuesday 16 January 2024

Jersey exploring facial recognition at airport

Tuesday 16 January 2024

Facial recognition technology could be introduced at Jersey's borders in future, the Home Affairs Minister has revealed.

Deputy Helen Miles told the States Assembly this morning that Customs and Immigration are liaising with the UK Home Office about introducing electronic gates featuring facial recognition technology.

She said: “In an island environment, we need to consider the security of our border, but also the customer experiences of the travelling public and the financial implications of this and other digital initiatives, that will contribute to future digital borders.”

Facial recognition is a key component of a broader initiative in the UK to develop a digital border system, with facial recognition being a key feature.

The Times reported that the new technology will enable passengers to enter the UK without showing passports. 

This system is set to be trialled at airports this year, with a procurement process for the hardware needed to introduce the system across the country due to follow if it succeeds.

Heathrow e-gates

Pictured: Electronic gates at Heathrow make use of facial recognition technology.

Although the costs are yet to be confirmed, Jersey, as part of the Common Travel Area, is expected to benefit from shared digital technology provided by the Home Office.

Deputy Miles clarified that facial recognition would be used exclusively for border and immigration control, not for general CCTV or other surveillance purposes and that it would adhere to biometric privacy standards and data protection laws.

It follows a number of other recent security upgrades at the airport, which have included new full-body scanners and the introduction of scanners which remove the need to place 100ml liquids into sealed clear plastic bags.


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