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IN NUMBERS: Jersey's "bleak" homelessness situation

IN NUMBERS: Jersey's

Tuesday 20 February 2024

IN NUMBERS: Jersey's "bleak" homelessness situation

Tuesday 20 February 2024

The Government's failure to produce statistics promised over a year ago "will prevent the homelessness strategy being implemented in full”, according to the Chair of the Jersey Homelessness Strategic Board.

It comes as shocking new figures reveal the "bleak" outlook for rough sleepers in the island, with the situation branded as “no better than a year ago”.

These homelessness statistics were produced for the Jersey Homelessness Strategic Board, which was formed in 2019 to develop collaboration between community groups and the Government.

Data was examined from the Shelter Trust, the Sanctuary Trust, FREEDA, the Jersey Association for Youth and Friendship, and Causeway.


Pictured: The Jersey Homelessness Strategic Board said the outlook for Jersey's homeless was "bleak".

However, announcing the publication of these figures, the Board noted that the first set of homelessness statistics to be published by the Government since a new definition was introduced more than a year ago had still not been produced.

The Board’s independent chair, Simon Burgess, said: “Defining homelessness and then evidencing its scale and nature were the first two recommendations of the board’s 2020 Homelessness Strategy.

"Without collating this information on an ongoing basis, the Government will only be second-guessing as to the steps needed to tackle the issues and this will prevent the homelessness strategy being implemented in full.”

Express took a look at the most recent numbers...

  • According to the data 406 people sought shelter across the various charities last year.

  • The highest need was recorded in the second quarter of the year, when 226 people were accommodated and 14 turned away – mostly due to hostels being full.



Pictured: A breakdown of homeless residents in the final quarter of 2023 by gender, age, nationality and employment status. (JHSB) 

  • Although the number of male residents dropped from 152 at the start of 2023 to 134 in the fourth quarter, the number of female residents grew from 59 to 66.

  • Around 90% of homeless residents were of working age, while 79% held 'entitled' residential and employment status.

  • According to the report, the most common reasons for residents needing hostel accommodation included domestic violence, a relationship breakdown or being in unsafe or insecure housing – as well as eviction.


Pictured: The new statistics revealed some of the main reasons for needing accommodation. (JHSB)

  • The average length of stay per person was 494 days.

  • Of the homeless residents recorded in 2023, 68% were British – with 51% born in Jersey and 17% born in the UK – as well as 18% Portuguese-born and 4% Polish-born islanders.

In a statement, the Board said that the situation was “no better than a year ago” and that “the outlook for tackling homelessness in Jersey remains bleak”.


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