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Great Scott! Marty McSeal rescued from Jersey beach

Great Scott! Marty McSeal rescued from Jersey beach

Wednesday 12 December 2018

Great Scott! Marty McSeal rescued from Jersey beach

Wednesday 12 December 2018

Despite being named Marty McSeal, it was 'back to the shelter' rather than 'back to the future' for one poorly seal pup washed up on a Jersey beach.

The "feisty" baby was found stranded at Green Island on Monday and was yesterday taken to the Guernsey Animals' Shelter.

It is hoped he'll make a full recovery in his new home - a place previously reserved for hedgehogs, who have been asked to move out to make way for the cheeky seal. He also joins fellow seal pup Andrew, who is currently enjoying a diet of mackerel and herring, in the recovery pool.

Marty was found in Jersey on Monday 10 December, when a dog walker spotted him at the high tide mark at Green Island in St. Clement.


Pictured: Marty was rescued at Green Island.

The British Divers Marine Life Rescue team, who take care of seal pups found in Jersey, think he's only three or four weeks old. 

Donna de Gruchy said he had already had signs of independence but was clearly struggling.

She explained: "The small pup had already moulted his white Laguno coat, showing he had already been weaned from mum, and was fending for himself in the wild. This gives an approximate age of three/four weeks where a pup is left to fend alone and teach himself to feed."


Pictured: Jersey's British Divers Marine Life Rescue team collected Marty the seal pup who is now coming to Guernsey for rehabilitation.

"This poor pup is very underweight, so it is in fact unlikely he had the full three weeks nursing with mum already," she added.

Marty was also showing "severe signs of a respiratory infection along with a cough", so Jersey's New Era Veterinary team agreed to have a look at him, before the decision was made to fly him over to Guernsey so the GSPCA's specialist team could work with him.

Jersey vet Peter Haworth said: "The young underweight male grey seal has a presumed respiratory infection which we have started to treat. He does have a slightly guarded prognosis at this stage, however if we can stabilise him, he will have a much better chance at the GSPCA rehabilitation centre in Guernsey." 


Pictured: Marty McSeal was said to be suffering from signs of a respiratory infection.

Ms de Gruchy said the weather had contributed to Marty's condition and she isn't surprised he washed up.

"Following this weekend's weather and higher tides I was not surprised at all to get a call about a pup washing in. To be honest, I was on alert all weekend.

"Although this pup is feisty and alert, his respiratory infection would not help him to survive this brutal time of year in the wild. They have it hard enough when they are weaned at just three weeks of age and have to learn to feed themselves.  It was 100% the right thing to do, to bring this seal pup in for treatment."

Marty is now in Guernsey, and has taken up residence at the GSPCA.

Staff members Geoff George and Steve Byrne will lead his care, alongside Andrew, another seal pup rescued in Jersey last month and is said to be recovering well at the animal shelter in St. Andrew.

Mr Byrne said Marty is "only 18kgs and appears much older than Andrew".


Pictured: Marty is now being looked after by the GSPCA team.

He added: "Despite being 6 to 8 weeks of age he has a number of ailments from a chest infection to his emaciated condition.

"Due to the ailments, the team at the GSPCA have been extremely busy this morning preparing a completely separate area for Marty so he and Andrew are completely segregated to ensure no cross-infection occurs."

Lead photo: Marty McSeal, who is described as being "feisty", is now under the care of the GSPCA.

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