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Green light for flats to replace “dated” Green Street home

Green light for flats to replace “dated” Green Street home

Wednesday 09 February 2022

Green light for flats to replace “dated” Green Street home

Wednesday 09 February 2022

Plans to scrap a “dated” four-bedroom home from the 1930s on Green Street and build six flats have been approved, after the company behind the plans argued the need for more homes justified the demolition.

Francheville Properties, whose agent was MAC Architectural Services, also said demolishing Hazeldean to create three two-bedroom and three one-bedroom apartments would cost less than a renovation.

The plans eight parking spaces concealed under planted timber pergolas at the back of the property, along with bike storage and charging stations for both vehicles and bikes.

The application was considered by the Planning Committee last week.

Planning Officer Jonathan Gladwin had recommended the application be approved by the Committee.

In his report, he noted that plans to build eight units had been refused in 2020 as the Planning Department said there was no evidence the building couldn’t be repaired or refurbished, or that it would be uneconomic to do so as no costings were provided.

They added that the existing building added to the character of the street scene, and that its demolition had not been “suitably justified”.

Pictured: Hazeldean is located on Green Street.

Concerns were also raised over the size and height of the proposed building, which was deemed to be “dominant, intrusive and over-development of the site” with an “unacceptable overbearing impact”.

Mr Gladwin wrote that whilst Hazeldean could be repaired, Francheville Properties had provided a Development Appraisal Report, as well as a Structural Report, which showed the renovation would be “prohibitively expensive”. In addition, they argued that the “much-needed” provision of flats justified the principle of demolition and redevelopment.

The Planning Officer said the department had considered that the benefits of the scheme outweighed the demolition of the building.

He also noted that the proposed scale had been reduced to match that of one large home whilst the “unduly high” parapet had been replaced by balcony, making the building less dominant.

“The design and use of materials are of a high quality and acceptable and would be in keeping with the character of the street scene,” Mr Gladwin wrote.

With the rear of the building having been modified and the risk of potential overlooking reduced, he concluded that the reasons for the previous refusal had been overcome.

“The scheme provides much-needed new residential dwellings in an attractive development that would preserve the character of the area and not cause unreasonable harm to neighbouring properties,” he wrote.

As part of the application, Francheville Properties have been asked to contribute just over £8,000 towards the Eastern cycle route.

The Planning Department has also imposed other conditions, including that no one moves into the new flats until the car spaces, which should not be sublet, are ready to be used.

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