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Identification due on body found off Noirmont

Identification due on body found off Noirmont

Monday 13 March 2017

Identification due on body found off Noirmont

Monday 13 March 2017

A post-mortem examination is due to take place this week on the body of an adult female pulled from the sea off Noirmont, over the weekend.

Fishermen spotted the body just after 07:00 on Sunday morning. It was recovered about an hour later, following a joint operation between the Coastguard and the St Helier Lifeboat along with Police and Ambulance officers.

So far the body hasn't been formally identified, but Police say they have informed the family of Valerie Jehan (75) who went missing last weekend. She had left her home in the Undercliffe Road area just after 11:30, saying she was going for a walk, before catching a bus to Devil's Hole. 

A pair of walkers saw her heading off down the cliff path, and Police later found her handbag hanging over the cliff. 

Following this weekend's discovery, the Police say formal identification procedures will now take place:

"It is not possible to confirm if this is the female body of missing person Valerie Jehan at this time. The Deputy Viscount has been consulted and a Home Office Pathologist will conduct a post mortem, this will take place in due course to assist with formal identification procedures.

The States of Jersey Police Family Liaison Officers continue to support Valerie’s family throughout this period."

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