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Noirmont body confirmed as being Valerie Jehan

Noirmont body confirmed as being Valerie Jehan

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Noirmont body confirmed as being Valerie Jehan

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Nine days ago a body was pulled from the sea at Noirmont - today it was formally confirmed as being that of Valerie Jehan, the 75-year-old who went missing at Devil's Hole.

It marks the end of several weeks of uncertainty for her family, which began on the morning of the 3 March after she left her home in the Undercliffe Road area, saying she was going for a walk.

Mrs Jehan took a bus to the Devil's Hole where she was seen heading down the cliff path. The final sighting of her was by two walkers, who passed her on that path.

When she didn't return, Police launched a major air and sea search, involving the coastguard, search and rescue volunteers, police dogs and a French helicopter. Jersey Water even drained a nearby reservoir looking for her. 


Eventually, her handbag was spotted hanging off the cliff face, and it was subsequently recovered by the Fire Service's line rescue team. In it was her mobile phone, which had been emitting a signal telling searchers it was still active, somewhere on the North Coast. 


Then a week last Sunday, Police confirmed that fishermen had spotted a body in the water off Noirmont, and it was later recovered from the sea ahead of a post-mortem examinination, and formal identification by her family.

Today, in a brief statement, Police confirmed the identification: 

"A body found off the coast of Noirmont on March 12th has been confirmed as missing Valerie Jehan.

The 75-year-old went missing on March 3rd after getting off the bus at Devil’s Hole on the North Coast.

A major land and sea search was conducted in the following days.

A file is now being prepared for the Deputy Viscount and the family continue to be supported by specially trained Family Liaison Officers."

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