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Stop thieves nicking your good stuff - Police

Stop thieves nicking your good stuff - Police

Wednesday 09 March 2016

Stop thieves nicking your good stuff - Police

Wednesday 09 March 2016

Police are urging you to lock up your cars and take your valuables with you.

They say they have been dealing with more cases of theft from unlocked cars and it's easily preventable.

They say even if we're just getting out of the car for a short time we shouldn't leave anything lying around on show in it.

Head of the Community Policing Team Inspector Andy Bisson said: “We are hoping that by highlighting to people that they have left valuables in their car, it will raise awareness about the importance of removing valuables from view and of course locking your car.

“Theft from a vehicle is a preventable crime and can be avoided. If you don’t leave valuables in your car then they can’t be stolen. And if you lock your car then you are not making life easy for criminals.”

If you see anyone hanging around any cars looking suspicious, the police want you to call 999 straight away.


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