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Top of the Pubs!

Top of the Pubs!

Thursday 13 February 2014

Top of the Pubs!

Thursday 13 February 2014

A Jersey pub group has been nominated for two categories in the prestigious Publican Awards in London next month.

The Liberation Group, which runs 44 pubs in Jersey, has been put forward for Best Managed Pub Company and Best Tenanted and Leased Pub Company after an exhaustive process involving assessments, ‘Mystery Shopper’ reports and HQ visits.

Liberation Group chief executive Mark Crowther said that they had their fingers crossed for a result when the awards are presented at the ceremony on Tuesday 25 March at London’s Grosvenor House Hotel on Park Lane.

He said: “The awards are extremely well respected within the industry and the fact that we’ve reached the final once again is testament to the hard work of the team and the quality of our product.

“The judging process is very thorough; we put in our initial submissions last year and this was followed by mystery shopping and a programme of HQ visits.

“We’ve worked hard to get to this stage and I’m pleased with how our final presentations went so it’s just a case of waiting for the results to be announced now.

“The awards evening is well known for being quite an occasion so we’re looking forward to being a part of it next month.”

The Liberation Group has won several awards for in recent years, but mainly for brewing – last year they scooped Bronze National Honours at the International Beer Challenge for bottled Liberation Ale, won a gold medal for the second consecutive year at the International Brewing Industry Awards for Liberation Ale, and achieved a Bronze in the Dark Beer category at the International Brewing Awards.

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