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Canteen vouchers keeping students in school

Canteen vouchers keeping students in school

Thursday 30 January 2014

Canteen vouchers keeping students in school

MEDIA RELEASE: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and not Bailiwick Express, and the text is reproduced exactly as supplied to us

Guernsey Electricity is supporting an initiative at Les Beaucamps High School to encourage students to keep up their attendance.

Students who achieve a 100% attendance rate the previous week are entered into a weekly draw where they can win £5 in canteen vouchers.

The scheme has already proved successful in trial runs and now, with the support of Guernsey Electricity, the school and the school’s PTA, a winner is awarded from each year group per week.

Helen Banks, Assistant Head Teacher at Les Beaucamps, said: “We found that the voucher system was proving to be really effective so we’re very grateful to have support from Guernsey Electricity to make it possible.

“Anything we can do to encourage every single student to come into school every day is well worth it. To date, 60 students have been awarded vouchers and we’ve seen an improvement in attendance.”

Alan Bates, Managing Director at Guernsey Electricity said: “Hopefully our contribution will encourage students to attend all their classes and go some way towards enabling teachers to do their important jobs in front of a full classroom.

“Guernsey Electricity supports young people through our apprenticeship programme so we know what it takes for people to work towards a valuable career. Staying in school is very much a part of that so we are very pleased to be supporting this initiative.”

Photo caption: Year 7 student Kate Ogier handing her voucher to Guernsey Electricity MD Alan Bates. 

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