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JT wins world award for fibre broadband network

JT wins world award for fibre broadband network

Friday 08 November 2019

JT wins world award for fibre broadband network

Friday 08 November 2019

Jersey’s fibre broadband network has won the Best Network Transformation Award at the World Communication Awards.

JT says the judges praised the speed in which the network was delivered, when compared to anywhere else in the world. Completing the network elevated Jersey to first place in the world for fibre connectivity, in terms of the percentage of users directly connected to fibre broadband.

Graeme Millar, CEO of JT, said “Our vision was to deliver world-class connectivity to everyone in Jersey, making high-speed access to the internet a reality for every home, school and business.  The completion of the project has created new revenue streams for local businesses, jobs, training opportunities and attracted the attention of multi-national companies who are relocating projects and business to Jersey.

“The success of Jersey’s full-fibre network is down to the hard work and dedication of all those who worked on the project over the years; together, I believe they have created a lasting legacy for Jersey.”

Lisa Springate, Chair of the Jersey branch of the Institute of Directors, added: “So much of business today depends on fast and reliable communications, and Jersey is at the leading-edge of connectivity thanks to Jersey’s full-fibre network. It not only means that we can embrace new technology, but also turn that into a competitive advantage. Well done to JT for being recognised at such a prestigious awards event.”

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