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DIGEST: Our second hottest year… and other 2023 weather stats

DIGEST: Our second hottest year… and other 2023 weather stats

Tuesday 02 January 2024

DIGEST: Our second hottest year… and other 2023 weather stats

Tuesday 02 January 2024

New stats have confirmed that last year was Jersey’s second hottest on record.

Express took a look at the findings released by Jersey Met today…

13.34 degrees Celsius

…was the average temperature during 2023, which made the year the second hottest on record since official records began all the way back in 1894 at the Maison St Louis Observatory.

This was the same as the average in 2014, but 0.22 degrees cooler than the record set the previous year.


…was the total amount of rainfall recorded at the Howard Davis Farm weather station during 2023. This was greatest amount ever recorded at the site, whose records began in 1932.

However, at Maison St Louis, where records go back 130 years, a total rainfall of 1,074.0mm was recorded during the year. This made it the fifth wettest on record for the site. The wettest was in 2020 with 1,178.4mm. 

22 nights

…were warmer than the average temperature during the daytime.

10 were during what Head of Meteorology Paul Aked described as a “very mild December”.

September 2023

…was the warmest September since records began. June was the second warmest, with October and December both being the fourth warmest, when compared with records dating back to 1894


…will be the total number of stripes on the island’s Climate Mural at the Waterfront when 2023 is added. Each stripe on the mural, which was designed by local artist Ian Rolls, represents a year from 1894 through to 2023. 


2023’s stripe will be a dark red colour which is one shade lighter than the previous year, 2022.

The Assistant Minister with responsibility for climate change matters, Deputy Hilary Jeune, said that the new statistics were a “stark reminder of the climate change challenges we face”.

“As we enter 2024, I’m optimistic that islanders will play an ever-growing part in reducing emissions through changes, some big and some small, to the way we go about our daily lives,” she said.

Daily minimum versus daily maximum temperatures

Scroll to see how Jersey's daily minimum and maximum average temperatures have changed over time...

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