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Eagle Labs to live stream debate on failure

Eagle Labs to live stream debate on failure

Sunday 12 November 2017

Eagle Labs to live stream debate on failure

Sunday 12 November 2017

How do you expect, embrace and excel beyond failure? That is the question four panelists will try to answer in an open debate at RISE London, which will be streamed live at the Barclays Eagle Labs at Jersey Library.

The debate which is the final event in Barclays 2017 series of #HighGrowthLive will be take place on 14 November from 14:30.

Richard Heggie, Head of High Growth and Entrepreneurs at Barclays will be joined by four panellists to discuss their failures, the highs the lows and how they’ve shaken off failure to become a success in their own right.

Gerald Ratner, who is described as, "...a fantastic speaker and true inspiration to entrepreneurs that failure doesn't have to be fatal," will talk about what is probably one of the UK’s most infamous business failures, leading to the collapse of his £500million company overnight. 

Karen Darke, London 2012 Paralympic Silver Medalist and World Paralympic Champion, will talk about how, after a rock-climbing accident at the age of 21, she was left paralysed from chest down, changing her life. Since the accident, she has accomplished some truly outstanding achievements and will discuss her personal road to recovery and success and will provide the panel with a different view of overcoming adversity.

The panel also includes Alexei Levene from Desolenator. Having had numerous companies across the globe, he has seen some successes as well as failures and will discuss how he bounced back time and time again before founding Desolenator, a life changing solution to the global water crisis.

Finally, Damian Kimmelman, from Duedil, will talk about how he didn't give up after a failed digital agency resulted in the loss of 25 jobs and a £60,000 personal investment. 


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