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Express delivers its first birthday!

Express delivers its first birthday!

Tuesday 06 January 2015

Express delivers its first birthday!

Tuesday 06 January 2015

Bailiwick Express celebrates its first anniversary today. The digital newspaper was launched on the 6th January 2014, as the first new mainstream daily news media in Jersey for more than 20 years.

Since then, Express has developed a daily audience building to 10,540* at its peak.

Employing a team of experienced local journalists, it provides a combination of local news and business stories, with national news and sports updates, and classified ads for homes, cars and jobs.

Bailiwick Publishing Director Mark Jackson said: "We felt there was a gap in the market for a main daily news media which focussed on delivering its services online, all the time.

"Express has filled that gap, and is building an audience which exceeds our initial projections. With high-speed broadband, and 4G, being rolled out across Jersey, we believe this is the time when we will see digital media becoming a real competitor to traditional channels, and we are proud to be a new digital business which is demonstrating what Jersey can do in this field.

"We have exciting plans to go further with our digital products in 2015 to deliver news, advertising and information services in the way we believe our customers really want to receive them.

"Jersey is positioning itself as a digital hub, so it makes sense for it to have a high quality digital news service which is accessible, flexible and exciting, and which challenges some of the established ways of communicating local information. That's where we'll be taking Express.

"Being a digital channel means we can gauge exactly what our customers want to read, and then make sure our agenda delivers it."

*Source: Google Analytics.

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