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Southpaw! Vet receptionist won't pull punches to fundraise for Guide Dogs

Southpaw! Vet receptionist won't pull punches to fundraise for Guide Dogs

Saturday 23 July 2022

Southpaw! Vet receptionist won't pull punches to fundraise for Guide Dogs

Saturday 23 July 2022

A Jersey veterinary receptionist isn’t pulling any punches with her efforts to raise money for charity, signing up to take on a boxing challenge just weeks before she runs the London Marathon.

Hannah Phillips, who works as a receptionist at New Era Vets’ Leodis surgery in St. Brelade, has set a goal of raising £2,000 for Guide Dogs by taking part in an amateur boxing match before the big 26.2 mile run.

Guide Dogs is a charity that provides support for the blind and partially sighted, including the training and providing guide dogs. 

Last year, by taking part in a similar boxing event, Hannah raised £400 for Pets As Therapy, a charity which supports communities through the visits of trusted volunteers and pets to hospitals, hospices, special needs schools and nursing and care homes. 

Commenting on this, Hannah said: “Taking part in the boxing event last year was the best thing I’ve ever done and gave me the most amazing feeling, so I’m really excited to be going back into the ring next month. The training has given me a focus and discipline that has helped boost my mental health and restored my confidence after some challenging times. 

“I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend boxing to anyone. I’ve met some lovely people and it is a great way to boost your fitness - I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been.” 


Pictured: "Taking part in the boxing event last year was the best thing I've ever done."

Leading up to the white-collar boxing Fight Night event, which takes place at the Royal Showground on 6 August, Hannah has embarked on a 10-week training program with aims to improve her fitness, footwork and jabbing technique. 

Once this event is over, she has fewer than two months to prepare for the famous London Marathon, which occurs on 2 October. She decided to apply after a friend in Jersey took part in a virtual marathon last year. 

Talking about training for the marathon, Hannah said: “I need to focus on building my stamina for the marathon, but I can’t do too many longer runs yet because I’ll lose the muscle I’ve built up for boxing."

She described the marathon as a “huge personal challenge” but said she’s “committed to getting myself ready in time and making it over the finishing line."

"There’s no way I’ll be throwing in the towel," she added.

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