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Teen arrested over 'fight that left girl with head injuries'

Teen arrested over 'fight that left girl with head injuries'

Wednesday 25 August 2021

Teen arrested over 'fight that left girl with head injuries'

Wednesday 25 August 2021

A 15-year-old has been arrested following an alleged group fight in Millennium Park that left one teenage girl with head injuries needing hospital treatment.

Police said the alleged brawl happened around 21:00 on Sunday.

Officers said in an appeal for more information: “A group of young people were in Millennium Park close by to the toilet block when a fight broke out, involving at least two of the group. A number of other people were present in the surrounding area when this was happening.

“The group consisted of boys and girls and were aged between approximately 13 and 15.

"One of the girls involved sustained some injuries to her head and was taken to hospital for treatment."


Pictured: Police said that one girl was taken to hospital.

They continued: “The injured party was wearing dark clothing and carrying a skateboard. The female suspect, aged 15 was wearing a dark coloured hoody, light grey joggers with Nike trainers and had dyed hair. It is believed that both parties are known to each other.

“The 15 year old was arrested and released on bail, whilst enquiries continue.”

Anyone who saw the alleged assault or who has more information about what happened is urged to call Police on 612612 or make an anonymous report using Crimestoppers’ online form.

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