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Two face court over picture of Cardiff striker Emiliano Sala in mortuary

Two face court over picture of Cardiff striker Emiliano Sala in mortuary

Wednesday 05 June 2019

Two face court over picture of Cardiff striker Emiliano Sala in mortuary

Wednesday 05 June 2019

Two people will face charges over a photograph showing Cardiff City footballer Emiliano Sala in a mortuary. The footballer died earlier this year in a plane crash close to Alderney.

The pair will appear in court in England next month.

Sherry Bray, 48, and Christopher Ashford, 62, have been summonsed to court after an image was circulated extensively on social media which showed the Argentinian striker’s remains at the Holly Tree Lodge mortuary in Bournemouth following his death.

Wiltshire Police said Bray, of Charles Street, Corsham, has been summonsed for three counts of computer misuse, perverting the course of justice and sending an indecent/offensive message.

Ashford, of Page Close, Calne, has been summonsed in relation to six counts of computer misuse.

The pair, who were arrested in February, will appear at Swindon Magistrates’ Court on July 10.

The striker, 28, had just signed for Cardiff City when he disappeared with the pilot of the Piper Malibu private plane when it crashed in the English Channel on January 21.

Sala’s body was recovered on February 6, but pilot David Ibbotson, 59, of Crowle, Lincolnshire, has not been located.

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