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22 Families in 2022 - Brighter Futures Jersey launches major fundraising campaign

22 Families in 2022 - Brighter Futures Jersey launches major fundraising campaign

Wednesday 02 February 2022

22 Families in 2022 - Brighter Futures Jersey launches major fundraising campaign

MEDIA RELEASE: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and not Bailiwick Express, and the text is reproduced exactly as supplied to us

In January, the Jersey-based charity Brighter Futures launched ‘22 Families in 2022’ a major fundraising campaign, with the target of raising almost £100,000 during the year. The charity is specifically seeking support from the Island’s business community to raise 22 donations of £4,400 each.

Since its foundation in 2008, Brighter Futures has supported more than 2,800 families, benefitting over 11,200 Islanders. The charity provides programmes facilitated by dedicated key workers that focus on creating the best relationship possible between children and their main carers. It also focuses on providing family support and second chance learning skills, as well as a creche facility. However, during 2021, the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic meant that Brighter Futures had to start a waiting list for its services as the number of families referred rose beyond its capacity.

Brighter Futures now supports 170 families at any one time. It costs £4,400 per year to support one family, and to continue to provide this level of support, employ more key staff and open additional premises, the charity will need to raise approximately £1m in 2022. Brighter Futures does not charge for its services to ensure that the help it provides is as accessible as possible. 


Fiona Brennan, Brighter Futures CEO, explained: “Placing clients on a waiting list is not a position that any charity wishes to be in, and we do not want to turn anyone away. We are therefore asking the business community to help us raise £96,800 during 2022, to meet the needs of a further 22 families (at the cost of £4,400 per family) to access our vital support services. This campaign will enable us to reach up to two more families per month who are facing challenges and require our support.”

The charity is optimistic about the year ahead and has several exciting fundraising events planned, one of which, ‘Gold Cup at the Grand’, is sold out already. This will be followed in June with a Royal Ascot themed racing event and ‘lunch and learn’ presentations to businesses and social groups. 

The charity is also looking forward to its annual ‘White Collar Darts’ tournament at The Royal Jersey Showground and is already interviewing potential novice darts players who wish to compete at the event in October, as well as seeking a headline sponsor to support an incredible night of entertainment for up to 500 guests.

Brighter Futures was founded in 2008 by Wendy Hurford MBE, a former headteacher. The charity offers a range of programmes which address three crucial key areas of family life; parent and child relationships, wellbeing and positive mental health,  personal development and second chance learning.  

The charity’s mission is to support families when it is needed. Brighter Futures actively supports the families who have been referred there by focusing on each client as an individual with a unique story. As Fiona confirms, “We measure the impact of our programmes so that we know what we do, works. Each client is first referred into the ‘Transition Team’, and then allocated a dedicated key worker (and co-keyworker) to work alongside and to set their individual goals with them.”

“We aim to build the main carer’s confidence, sense of self-esteem and skills such as listening to and working with their children, to offering academic opportunities with the additional support of our crèche team to make these opportunities possible for parents. Our services are provided free of charge so that funding is not a barrier to accessing our support. 

Finally, our support is given on a sustained basis. There is no typical length of time which a family stays with us for, but we will usually work with clients for between two to three years.  We are here for as long as they need us to be.”


Useful links and email addresses:

More about the charity’s #22Families campaign can be found on its website:

To find out more about supporting a Brighter Futures family, or to discuss event sponsorship and participation, please contact Community Engagement Officer, Sharon Betts, via  

Further information about the charity’s work, its forthcoming events and news can be found on

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