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What is your salary expectation? The dreaded interview question

What is your salary expectation?  The dreaded interview question

Tuesday 22 February 2022

What is your salary expectation? The dreaded interview question

MEDIA RELEASE: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and not Bailiwick Express, and the text is reproduced exactly as supplied to us

Salary is a key motivator for many candidates when moving jobs, but a difficult subject to discuss in an interview. So how do you respond when asked what salary you are looking for?

You don’t want to suggest a figure that’s too high and eliminate yourself from the process, but similarly it’s important not to be too shy and give the impression that you’d be happy with an offer that’s lower than you are worth. 

Generally we would say to try not to be too specific – by keeping it open at interview stage you are making sure that you’re not going to be ruled out on the basis of salary, but will hopefully be made an offer that’s fair. 

Without giving a specific figure you can tell your interviewers that you are open – suggest that you will take into account the whole package, including benefits, as well as what the role can offer you in addition to this, for example progression and training opportunities, flexible lifestyle options, team fit and job satisfaction.  A good offer is about more than just a base salary – it’s a combination of everything that matters.

You could explain what your current salary and benefits are, and if you are looking for an increase use this as an opportunity to explain why you think this role would warrant one and why you would be deserving of this – and make sure it’s a good reason, not because of what you’re saving up for or because what your friends and family are earning (believe us, we’ve heard it all!).

Another way to approach the question is to turn it around – ask if they have a banding for the role and ask what their benefits package is.  You can say that you would expect to be paid the market rate for their role in line with their banding and your experience.

Although it’s a difficult question, it’s one to approach with confidence and professionalism, and to have an answer prepared for in advance.  After all, salary is an influencing factor in most job searches and not something you want to be pressured into committing to without a bit of thought!

If you are thinking of moving Team is always on hand to help!  Contact us today to discuss your situation and aspirations – we have plenty of opportunities available with some of Jersey leading employers!  Call 01534 88 88 66, visit: or email us if you prefer at:

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