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Crestbridge receives Living Wage accreditation

Crestbridge receives Living Wage accreditation

Thursday 16 February 2023

Crestbridge receives Living Wage accreditation

Thursday 16 February 2023

A Jersey private equity and real estate business has become accredited as a Living Wage employer by the Jersey Living Wage Campaign.

The pledge means that Crestbridge has agreed to pay staff at least £12.19 per hour - a figure taking into account the cost of living, taxes, and the value of benefits available to working people on low incomes.

The Living Wage campaign is run by Caritas Jersey, a local charity, who are licensed by the Living Wage Foundation in the UK to manage and co-ordinate the promotion of a ‘Living Wage’ in Jersey.

Mike Edward, Chief People officer at Crestbridge, said: "We are incredibly proud to have worked with Caritas to ensure all who work for and with Crestbridge benefit from a living wage that takes into account the true cost of living.

"As an organisation, we understand we have a duty to fairly remunerate not just those directly employed by us, but also those who we rely upon to support our operations.

"I hope to see more buisnesses taking the opportunity to make such an important commitment to their communities."  

Patrick Lynch, CEO of Caritas said: "We are delighted that Crestbridge has joined the community of financial services firms that have made the commitment to pay the Living Wage.

"We are continuing to work hard to grow the range of buinsensess in all sectors who are prepared to make the Living Wage commitment, which is particularly pertinent at this time when the Cost of Living Emergency has become even starker with last week's inflation figures." 

Pictured top: Mike Edward, Chief People Officer at Crestbridge, and Patrick Lynch, CEO of Caritas.

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