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One month to go... and more than 70 staff to recruit

One month to go... and more than 70 staff to recruit

Friday 05 August 2022

One month to go... and more than 70 staff to recruit

Friday 05 August 2022

The Government is hoping that internal staff moves will be able to help address some of the 72 teaching roles still needing filled just weeks before the start of the new academic year.

35 of those are teacher roles, while 37 relate to teaching assistants.

Most of the vacancies - 33 -are in secondary schools, while 22 are in primary schools.

12 are 'special' category teaching staff - nine of which are teachers needed for the Jersey Music Service.

Inna Gardiner.jpg

Pictured: New Education Minister, Deputy Inna Gardiner.

The scale of the recruitment challenge facing the island's Education Department was laid out in a letter from the department's new Minister, Deputy Inna Gardiner.

She said that it's expected "some of these positions may be filled by internal moves".

Teachers' concerns

Back in April, the Jersey branch of the National Education Union said teachers wanted their working terms and conditions to be re-examined, after the Teachers' Survey for 2021/22 found around three in five had considered leaving their jobs in the last year.

The average number of hours worked by full-time teachers was reported to be 53. For senior leaders, hours averaged 61. Fewer than half (43%) said they felt well paid for what they do.

The NEU said that current rates meant teachers are working "20% more than they are paid to do... eight weeks a year for free". 


CLICK TO ENLARGE: Teachers' main concerns about the job.

Teachers also reported 20% higher anxiety levels than the general population, with three in five reporting feeling high or medium levels of anxiety during the past day. They also said they felt they needed more support with challenging students' behaviour.

In July, the Government completed pay deals with all pay categories, including teachers, with a 2.9% increase and a one-off payment of £500 effective from January 2022 awarded. Headteachers got an additional payment of £450 in lieu of holiday.

In her letter, Deputy Gardiner noted that it's the first time that vacancy data for Education - which does not include posts with the offer process in progress - had been fully collated into one place. Deputy Gardiner said work was underway to continue to improve the monitoring of recruitment within Education.

The Education Minister's priorities

Elsewhere in her letter, the new Education Minister laid out her key priorities for the new term.

These are:

  • "Progress a business case for Government Plan 2023-2026 to deliver sufficiency for children, young people and families. This means investment primarily targeted to enhance support to keep children with their families, ensure an increase in homes for children in the care of the Minister (the number and range of homes) and to only place off island in exceptional circumstances.

  • To prepare for new inspection arrangements of the service by Jersey Care Commission.

  • Young People's Intensive Support Service in place and delivering a service.

  • Prepare for the implementation of the new children's law as passed by the Assembly in 2022. There are significant new statutory duties and powers in the law which should drive improvement in outcomes for children and young people. The statutory guidance for the new legislation is currently being prepared with plans to subsequently train staff.

  • Stabilise the workforce reduce turnover of qualified social workers, reduce reliance on temporary agency and increase the percentage of permanent staff. This will include ensuring an appropriate attractive 'offer' which includes appropriate salary and reward package and accommodation options.

  • Continue to focus on improved quality and consistency of practice and service delivery. this will link to improved reputation and restoring of confidence in the service."

Who will be CYPES' permanent leader?

The permanent leading civil servant working under the Minister to achieve these goals - the Director General of CYPES (Children, Young People, Education and Skills) - is still yet to be appointed.

Director General Mark Rogers stepped down at the end of December 2021, after a year working between Jersey and the UK and his role was advertised internally. 

Former Health Managing Director Rob Sainsbury was appointed to lead CYPES on an acting basis in October.

The panel who appointed him included his previous boss, Director General of Health, Caroline Landon, as well as Interim CEO Paul Martin, Dame Janet Paraskeva of the Jersey Appointments Commission, and independent panel member and Jersey Hospice Chair Julie Coward.


Pictured: The Acting Director General of CYPES, former Health MD Rob Sainsbury.

The new Government CEO Suzanne Wylie and Chief Minister Deputy Kristina Moore confirmed to Express that a permanent appointment should be made by next month.

“The recruitment process for a permanent Director General is underway and it is anticipated that an appointment will be made in September," the pair said in a statement. 

“We are undertaking a thorough process to ensure the best leadership is in place to drive forward our plans to improve the lives of young people and families in Jersey.”


"Teachers are working eight weeks a year for free"

Jersey's recruitment crisis - in the eye of the "perfect storm"

Health MD appointed as acting education boss

Teachers are "unsupported, undervalued and disrespected"

OPINION: The Education issues election candidates must grasp 

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