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Strong talent waits for no one...or HR!

Strong talent waits for no one...or HR!

Wednesday 06 July 2022

Strong talent waits for no one...or HR!

MEDIA RELEASE: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and not Bailiwick Express, and the text is reproduced exactly as supplied to us

We understand how challenging it has been for HR during this tumultuous period, however we are truly in a candidate driven market and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down any time soon!

Previously we wrote an article about how securing great talent starts the moment a candidate leaves the interview, however with the huge skills shortage in Jersey, the best candidates are in high demand so if you want the top talent you need to act QUICKLY from the point of application!

We had a scenario recently with a trainee level candidate which really demonstrates this.  The candidate came into the agency to meet with us and register on Thursday.  Whilst they were here we processed their CV ready to send, and had their details across to their chosen companies within half an hour of them leaving our office.  Several companies came back to us very quickly to organise interviews, and by the Monday the candidate had received two offers of employment.  In the middle of that week we were contacted by two further companies requesting the candidate’s availability for the following week, but they were too late as the candidate had decided to proceed with another offer.  Watch this space… Believe it or not, we have had firms contact us months after submitting a CV to ask if the candidate is still available… 

While these companies debated over inviting the candidate to interview or not….. other firms arranged to see our candidate the very next working day and even put forward offers the very same afternoon and at the TOP end of their bandings in order to ensure the deal was done and dusted!  

Firms need to act as QUICKLY as their competitors do otherwise they will lose out.  Talent waits for no one, or HR, securing great talent now starts the moment you open their CV, not from when they leave the interview! 

Looking for top talent, we at are on hand to help, get in touch by emailing

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