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Finance leader appointed as senior States' chief

Finance leader appointed as senior States' chief

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Finance leader appointed as senior States' chief

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Richard Corrigan has been appointed as Chief Officer of the States' financial services, digital and competition teams.

Prior to this appointment, Mr Corrigan had been on secondment to the States from his role as Deputy Chief Executive of Jersey Finance, and was already acting as the interim director of financial services, following the departure of Joe Moynihan.

Speaking about his new position, Mr Corrigan said: “I am delighted to have been appointed to this challenging role and I look forward to building on the excellent work and progress that has already been made within our financial services, digital and competition portfolios.”

The States say Mr Corrigan will oversee the financial services policy framework, the cyber security strategy, the digital policy framework and the regulatory and competition framework review action plan. 

Chief Minister, Senator Ian Gorst, said: “I welcome the appointment of Richard Corrigan to this important role. He has a wealth of experience in the private sector and has proved during his time as interim director that he also has a keen understanding of the needs and priorities of government.”

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