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Former JFSC Director joins Crestbridge

Former JFSC Director joins Crestbridge

Friday 14 December 2018

Former JFSC Director joins Crestbridge

Friday 14 December 2018

The former Director General of the Jersey Financial Services Commission will join Crestbridge as non-executive Chairman of the Group in the New Year.

It's recently been announced that John Harris will also be one of the four new non-executive directors on the the board governing the Office of the Information Commissioner (OIC).

Mr Harris announced he was stepping down from his role at the JFSC earlier this year, citing severe stress and the risk of "burnout" for his decision after 12 years in the post. It has since been announced that he will be replaced by Martin Moloney on 28 February.

The role of non-executive Chairman of the Crestbridge Group was recently created to reflect the "success and growth of the Group."

Commenting on the appointment, CEO Graeme McArthur said: "John’s wealth of experience from previous global roles will bring significant benefit to the group across all our offices and jurisdictions as we continue to grow as a business and support the success of our international client base.”

Mr Harris said he was delighted to be joining Crestbridge and to have the "unique opportunity to help the business reach the next stage of growth."

He added: "I’m particularly looking forward to supporting the senior management team as they develop the business strategy and organisational structure to focus on delivering a first-class service to clients, whilst the emphasis Crestbridge places on its reputation, standards and client needs is very closely aligned with my own view as to what makes a business successful."

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