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Update: Police find missing woman's handbag

Update: Police find missing woman's handbag

Wednesday 08 March 2017

Update: Police find missing woman's handbag

Wednesday 08 March 2017

The Fire Service has recovered Valerie Jehan's handbag from a sheer cliff face near Devil's Hole on the north coast - and the Police now believe she has fallen into the sea.

Seventy-five year-old Ms Jehan has been missing since Friday lunchtime, and the Police say that the chance of finding her alive is now remote.

She left her home in the Undercliff road area at around 11:30 on Friday, saying she was going for a walk - but took a bus to Devil's Hole instead, where she was seen leaving the bus stop at 12:07. 

A pair of walkers came forward to say they had spotted her on the cliff path down to Devil's Hole at 12:50.

Following that sighting, rescue teams were able to focus their search, and around 16:30 last night they found her handbag containing personal items such as her mobile phone. 

The Fire Service's line rescue team needed to recover the bag from a sheer cliff face.

Chief Inspector Chris Beechey said: “Sadly this discovery suggests what we have feared – everything now is pointing to the fact that Valerie got into difficulties in the area of the Devil’s Hole and has fallen into the sea.

“Valerie’s family have been informed of this latest information and we continue to support them during this incredibly difficult time.”

Over the last four days police dogs and helicopters have joined in the search which has involved draining a reservoir, and using a drone to search the Devil's Hole cave. 


Pic Credit: Jersey Fire and Rescue

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