Until now, all your breakfast toast has done is provide you with some early morning sustenance – but now a new smart toaster and companion app wants to make it more productive.
The Toasteroid is a new smart toaster that has appeared on crowd-funding campaign site Kickstarter that gives users the opportunity to use their toast as a way of telling them to pay their bills, or any other reminders – by putting the message directly onto the toast.
The system is powered by a connected smartphone app that enables users to draw out on-screen what they want to appear on their toast.
The app hands over full creative power to the user, so while you can be productive with it and use your toast to set reminders or create motivational messages for yourself, you can also just have some fun and sketch out anything you like.
The concept of printing on toast isn’t new – many sports teams have been being it for some time – but handing over control completely to the user hasn’t been seen before – hence the steady funding the Toasteroid’s Kickstarter page has been getting so far.