In what’s being described as a first for a sitting president, Barack Obama will guest-edit Wired magazine two weeks before the US election.
Obama’s issue will focus on the future, and specifically “frontiers”, the magazine said.
Human performance, urban planning, climate change, civil rights, space travel, artificial intelligence and more will be covered, with Obama also holding a conference on these issues before the magazine hits shelves.
Obama, whose second term comes to an end in January following the November election, follows in the footsteps of the likes of J.J. Abrams, Bill Gates and Serena Williams, who have all guest-edited the science and technology magazine previously.
The president is no stranger to the subjects Wired covers, having previously piloted schemes to map the human brain, while his 2008 election is widely considered the first to make significant use of big data and the internet in general.
Obama’s issue hits stands in October.