It is one of the most iconic video games of the last 20 years. Now, a group of fans have decided to give Metal Gear Solid a next-gen update.
Called Shadow Moses, this first trailer is a game that essentially takes Metal Gear Solid from the PlayStation One and drops it into the modern day Unreal Engine 4. The result is wonderful.
And now for the downside – it’s unlikely a full game will ever see the light of day. Why? Konami.
The Japanese studio owns the rights to Metal Gear Solid, so Shadow Moses will need their full permission in order to go ahead with fully creating the game. This seems unlikely considering that Konami pulled PT – an online mini-game prequel to a new Silent Hill – when that title was cancelled. If they’re unprepared to let spin-offs they made themselves stay in the wild, a fan-made project doesn’t stand much of a chance.
That’s despite an open letter on Facebook from the creators suggesting they hope to work with Konami on it.
So enjoy this trailer while you can.