Games nostalgia is big business, whether it’s old consoles or games from the 20th century, but none are quite as big as this whopping great Game Boy.
Ilhan Unal is a 21-year-old student and softwear developer from Brussels, Belgium, and he’s created the world’s largest version of a games device that made its name as a handheld.
Well, it’s not handheld any more.
The huge Game Boy, confirmed as the world’s largest by Guinness World Records, took a week to design, while a month was spent creating it in a laboratory. It’s 101cm high, 62cm wide and 20cm deep, and you can’t easily take it on a car journey.
However, in a large enough room, this colossal creation is a masterpiece – and don’t worry about the availability of massive game cartridges, this device can play any original Game Boy game.
“The Game Boy was a huge part of many people’s childhood, including my own,” Ilhan said.
“I was obsessed with my Game Boy as a kid, so I wanted to create something that would put a smile on little Ilhan’s face, and hopefully on the face of anyone who is a big kid at heart.”
It’s undeniably brilliant, but where are you going to find the batteries for something like that?
The new Guinness World Records: Gamer’s Edition is out now.