Getting the perfect golf swing is a very specific part of life that has a surprising amount of wearable technology dedicated to it.
Video recording apps for coaching, wearables in the form of wristbands and chips that slot into your clubs all already exist as ways to monitor and analyse your swing, but now a new product wants to do so “from the ground up” – literally.
Iofit is a new Kickstarter project build around golf shoes, specifically, golf shoes loaded with sensors that can monitor your weight distribution and other swing data in real time, with the figures all being sent to the companion app.
The shifting of your weight, as well as the pressure distribution and left to right and front to back balance, are all picked up by the sensors in the shows.
The shoes have already broken their funding goal on the crowd-funding website, and some semi-pros are on-board too.
As well as the straight up data analysis, the app also comes with coaching tools that enable users to compare their swing to the pros – as well as annotate images alongside graphics to pinpoint any issues at any point during their swing.